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Breaking News...2013 Membership Drive...JOIN NOW...Help make a Difference...



Membership of this ground breaking political party is unique as it is not a copycat of the tired old defunct party's of yesteryear's, rather it is the bright new star of the future years which will ensure your future Australian population may not be large in numbers, but will be amongst the best educated healthiest and gratified citizens in this world, even better than the present world leaders being Canada for education Norway for distribution of its wealth. Denmark for its most contented citizens.

Contrary to  this sought after desirable situation Australia now sinks in to a quagmire of  uncertainty, with only the mining industry as a life line... (One must not blame the present Government for this dilemma as it did act to avoid a huge destructive recession) meanwhile we are becoming the proud contender for the highest per capita population growth rate in the first world. Yet ! our past and present  Governments, for some obscure reason persists, in spite of the  majority's wishes, to add to the present day populations growing concerns for Australia's long time future... as a first world country.... Already the stage is being set for the lowering of the Australian majorities  standard of living, one has only to have lived in Australia for  ten years or even less  to sense the difference... not for the better as you have been told, how can it be for the better to any rational thinking persons mind when they are aware, that our country is poised  to lose not only its identity as a country that was the envy of the world, but also its renown identity as one of the worlds leading farming community's. in the company of its now diminishing Industry's who had  in the past had the ability  to build  a Australian owned and designed vehicle (Holden)  and Aircraft  to boot. and  when necessary stand as one against the world How can it be that our future looks good? when we now lack those ability's.

Whilst we allow the weak heartrending tear-jerking behavior of certain self serving segments of our population, in the company of their subservient Governments, to dominate our lives, our permanent growth will be stunted... certainly compassion which is part of our heritage must be shown, but only, when deserved. But so to should our inherited strength be shown when it is necessary, a strength we civilians should learn not to leave to the brave members of our security forces alone but to also use it, to overcome our abundance of self-serving personalities and their greed fed anti Australian forces. 

To become a member of the Australian Homeland party, just fill in the online form and click Submit - we will reply a.s.a.p via email.